Saturday 26 June 2010

Where's the F in PFI?

Watch this space. PFI (Private Finance Initiative - alias 'Mother and Father of all gravy trains') continues to be an elusive presence in the bright new coalition. Loads of public money earmarked for paying back over the odds debts, run up in the name of prudence, for many years to come.

So what will happen when the 25% cuts take effect? You thought the expenses scandal was bad - just wait till this little doozy roars into daylight. Why pay once for a new hospital when you can pay three and four times over? And a new school? A college? Just sign here squire. All the interest payments are locked in - for years to come - to firms who did their civic duty and payrolled political parties - to bring about a new Jerusalem. 

All this talk about safeguarding the NHS is so much twaddle. The interest payments already committed to PFI repayments mean health authorities are saddled with a massive chunk of their funding spoken for every financial year so there are going to be cuts anyway. 

"We're all in this together!"  Bollocks.

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