Friday 21 January 2011

Heir to Blair

As Blair appears before the Chilcott Inquiry to ‘explain gaps’ is it likely that the truth will out? Not if Gus O’Donnell and the vast bulk of the establishment have anything to do with it. Earlier this week the toothless tigers on the Inquiry explained in mandarinesque language that they were not happy; not happy at all. Documents which they felt essential to their inquiry were withheld on grounds of ‘national interest.’
Whose interest? Certainly not ours, the plebs who have watched with horror and shame as the biggest foreign policy disaster in our recent history has unravelled before our eyes. 
Blair, despite claims to the contrary, made a pact with George W to support US action in 2002. Everything was then done to facilitate that decision. 
Parliament could and should have smelt a rat. The Labour Party were split. Blair succeeded in his scheme only with the assistance of Gung-ho Tories performing their usual armchair warrior act. The LibDems opposed and were excoriated for their stance by the majority of the media and their colleagues in the Commons.
Blair has ‘moved on’ despite his appalling legacy and is now a multi-millionaire ‘peace envoy’ for the Middle East. Read that sentence again and weep.
He will continue to misuse language to justify the unjustifiable.  His records, like his expenses, have been filleted to remove potentially incriminating evidence. He will get away with it because the political class do not want the hoi-polloi getting ideas above their station.
Which brings us to ‘Call me Dave’ - a self-confessed admirer of Blair. He displayed a Blairite touch of chutzpah this week. Before the election, Cameron could not have been clearer that the Tories would not touch the NHS. He went so far as to say, “There would be no top down re-organisation of the NHS.” 
When challenged about the radical changes now proposed he replied with barely a flicker, that the re-organisation, “Would be bottom up.”
His master would be proud of him.

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