Thursday 10 February 2011

Shock! Horror! Tories in bed with the City.

The news that the tories received over half their funding from City spivs ranks alongside the defecation habits of bears and the religious persuasion of the Pope. 
What is truly astonishing in all this ‘blame it on Labour - blame it on the defecit’ mantra, is the way the link between Investment Bankers and the tories is quietly ignored. The greedy gamblers who brought the world’s economy to the floor are largely the same greedy bankers who back the tories. 
Another bucketful of nails in the ‘all in it together’ coffin. 
Not only do we need reform of Parliament, we also need reform of party funding. At least the spivs get what they pay for, which is more than can be said for the Unions! 


  1. Imho, "Blame" culture (as inherited from the media we are fed from the US [media broadcast in the UK], along with "compensation culture", etc...) is a major influence in the reasons behind this.

    Being a Londoner, I hear a lot about this type of thing. Either from eavesdropping conversations or active intel gathering.

    Reform is something that seems to be, today, a "bad" word and something to be fearded. However (and I know this isn't a particularly reliable source :P), using the googlefight simple hit counter analysis tool - quite useful when examining trends - I have discovered that in fact:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My mistake - I meant to post this link:
