Saturday 7 August 2010

Where are the LibDems?

Call me Dave has been revealing more and more of his cunning plan to transform our society. On the one hand:-
There will be a crackdown on benefits - particularly housing and disability. Council House tenants to get short term contracts. [Problem: shortage of alternative affordable housing] 
The public sector will be expected to take the greater share of the cuts. [Problem- will increase unemployment] 
Big increase in 'voluntary' work as part of the vacuous 'Big Society' - doing jobs currently done by public sector. [Unemployment rises further]
There will be encouragement to get people off benefit and into paid employment. [Problem: unemployment rising quickly - no jobs available]

Outcomes - many more homeless and an increase in crime. 

On the other hand:-
Bankers bonuses  will be left alone. Filthy rich scumbag capitalists will not be taxed fairly nor will tax avoiders who use offshore havens be made to pay their share.

Transformed? Probably - but not in a good way. 

So what have the LibDems to say?

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