Thursday 21 October 2010

Dirty Digger Praises Thatcher and Cameron

Says all you need to know. The despicable head of News Corp tonight praised Thatcher in a speech to the right-wing Centre for Policy Studies. He also praised the drastic action that  Cameron was taking. Do not expect to see any critical voices in the Times, Sunday Times, the Sun, News of the Phone Tap and Sky. 

What is really sickening is the way New Labour arse-licked their way round Rupert's backside before and when they were comfortably in power and did not put in place the necessary controls to curb his empire. The current bunch will be just as craven. So much for telling truth to power.

Just how important this is cannot be overemphasised. New Labour did nothing to row back the Thatcherite policies they inherited. Both major parties were in hock to the City. The Lib Dems have fallen for the siren-song of power. The open festering sore that is the vast amounts of unearned lucre paid to Bankers and Wankers has not been addressed. Yet the Institute for Fiscal Studies looked at the governments figures released yesterday and declared, "poor people would be hit harder than the rich." 

As Tariq Ali wrote in a small column in the Guardian this week, "This is a country without an official opposition. An extra-parliamentary upheaval is not simply necessary to combat the cuts, but also to enhance democracy that at the moment is designed to further corporate interests and little more. Bailouts for bankers and the rich, an obscene level of defence expenditure to fight Washington's wars, and cuts for the less well off and the poor. A topsy-turvy world produces its own priorities. They need to be contested. These islands have a radical past, after all, that is not being taught in the history modules on offer. Given the inability of the official parliament to meet real needs why not the convocation of regional and national assemblies with a social charter that can be fought for and defended just as Shelley advised just under two centuries ago:
Ye who suffer woes untold
Or to feel or to behold
Your lost country bought and sold
With a price of blood and gold.
[. . .]
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you.
Ye are many, they are few."
No chance of a Sun or Screws reader rising from their slumber - kept fed on a celebrity and gossip diet. And the egregious Adam Boulton at Sky won't rattle any cages either.

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