Monday 4 January 2010


This is not intended to be a party political site although as the election nears, party politics will inevitably feature. I am far more concerned about the systematic failure of our parliamentary democracy.
I think my MP is a rotten MP. He is not alone. He is one of many rotten MP’s. He supports a rotten government in a thoroughly rotten parliament. And that is without his expenses claims, which are bad enough. He has failed his constituents and he has failed the people of the UK .

Like so many others he has always done exactly what the whips office wanted including supporting an illegal war despite assurances to his constituents that he wouldn’t without a second UN resolution. He has also overseen the introduction of unprecedented new powers to officials in town halls and quangos, so they can access our homes and personal details. He nodded through anti-terror laws, which fundamentally altered the relationship between the state and the citizen.
What about those MP’s who are not bad, who work hard for their constituents and not for their pockets; who claim reasonable expenses and occasionally defy their parties to stick up for an alternative independent view?
Why do we not hear more about and from them? Is it because they can be dismissed as the 'usual suspects' and mavericks operating outwith the party machine?

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